Originally Posted by krp

Paul is a known commodity and has a reputation as a gentleman. I've never heard him swear and he's very careful not to disrespect someone publicly, even known trolls.

You saying you know him is false, which leads you to false testimony against him.

Originally Posted by Miss Lynn
sitting in judgement is another. CCCC has his own life moments to look after and carry.

If you have any dirt on Paul, since you insinuated it publicly, let's hear it.


I wrote "But I do know him Miles, through my own heart, and my own mind, he has never had a decent thing to say to me over a very long period of time. This is not the first, nor will it be the last for him I am sure, but it is for me."

Which meant exactly what I said, I know him by his posts to me. Do you have a problem with comprehension ? If CCCC has appointed you as his voice let me know, otherwise this whole subject has nothing to do with you.

I wrote "CCCC has his own life moments to look after and carry." And it means exactly what it says. We all have our own life moments to look after and carry. If not we would all be Jesus Christ, and we are not, there was/is only one of Him. Again do you have a problem with comprehension ? Again, if CCCC has appointed you as his voice let me know, otherwise this whole subject has nothing to do with you.

And if you insist on this subject maybe you would care to enlighten me, or even us all on what I might be insinuating about CCCC.

Good men don't need, or send, others to defend them, a good man needs no defense in life, him and his life speak for him better than anyone ever could.