Battue, that is the exact jacket I got off my pap that got stolen. I can't remember how it fit then because I was alot younger. Plus, I've been lifting weights. Back then I trained differently. I'm pretty thick in the chest and shoulders. Monday was chest day in gym and I 45° inclined 300lbs for two reps. I'm currently fluctuating around the 220lb mark +/- a few lbs. Plus, at my size and weight I can do real wide pull ups. Tuesdays first set I got 13 reps. I'm listing this so you have an idea of size. I'm thinking a 2x with layering in mind would serve me best on the coldest of days

Tight chains.


The perfection of life with a gun dog, like the perfection of an Autumn, is disturbing because you know, even as it begins, that it must end. Time bestows the gift and steals it in the process. "George Bird Evans"