Originally Posted by fredIII
Awesome then regalia me on who designed the ss ( tasco designed them ) . Purchased buy bushnell and then sold by swift.? Ya your right about everything all the time wish we could have this conversation face to chest. You little bastard. If their is more to the story then please educate rather than run your mouth. You can use tomorrow's post to respond.

Holy Fhuqking Dog Schit...talk about fhuqking AWESOME!!! You poor poor STUPID Fhuqk!


You AMAZINGLY Stupid Whining Kchunt...noone can "regalia" you,better than you can "regalia" yourself. Laughing!!! No schit "your" and "their" too?!? You Mall Ninja Dumbfhuqk Kchunt,you pulled ALL stops and went for the jugular! How many months are you pictured,in the Jerry Lewis Telethon Calendar?!? Fhuqking WOW +P+++!!!!

I'm digging the Retard Miles you are getting outta your Swift fixation,replete with your Secret Squirrel Swift "source" and the Delusions conjured in your pointed peabrain. Funnier than fhuqk,that you are capable of believing your outright contrived lying bullschit!

I reckon I'm plum flattered,that I'm in your thoughts 24/7/365 and I really oughtta be charging your pointy head rent,but WTF would I do with your Food Stamps,empty beer cans and bad checks?!? You "rough & tumble" bitch you. Laughing!

You'll haveta yet again pardon my not feeling compelled to apologize,for being afforded the luxury of not being forced to guess,while you feverishly grasp for straws that do not exist. Bless your heart.

Folks who "know" and "do" as "much" as you,are ALWAYS going to best served by shutting the fhuqk up,taking notes and applying same...as opposed to giving "answers". Here's to the hilarity of your Estrogen Levels,precluding you of the ability to connect a single fhuqking dot,you amazingly inept twatt.

At least Imagination and Pretend are free,so you can afford to contribute. Looking forward to your next Whine,Delusion and Excuse...in no particular fhuqking order.

You "lucky" bitch.



Keep that up and you'll make fredrica cry.



Don't be takin' the starch outta her Secret Squirrel Inside Scoop Delusions...she REALLY "knows" her stuff.



Your Imagination and it's Pretend,are yet again taking you places that do not exist. Congratulations?!?

Great time to mention for the millionth time,that you "don't care" and punctuate that "brazen" "stance",by living vicariously to boot. Oops..too late,you are THERE!


You Minimum Wage Day Dreaming Dumbfhuqks are a hoot! At least you get to read about all the stuff,that you Dream about. Mebbe wax poignantly poetic on them "sweet satisfactions" and extrapolate in the firsthand,how you've never seen or done any of it. I enjoy the hilarity of your desperate attempts to delve in beyond your exceedingly modest "means","abilities" and "comprehension".

Bless your heart.

As per always,I'd be happy to dangle pics for you...if I could afford a camera,boat and a Reupold. You DO know what that feels like in the firsthand,don'tcha...you "hard charger" you.



It cracks me the fhuqk up to lead 'em to water and watch 'em not drink,as a "brazen" "stand" to trumpet their Stupidity.

FUNNY schit!...............


You've very obviously never shot skookum glass,that reliably arranges POA/POI intersections,as per whim. Hint.

Or mebbe I've never seen a boat paddle so equipped?!? I keep getting this stuff confused.

[Linked Image]


You can keep bumping your head,or connect dots...the warm/fuzzy is VERY easily arranged. It ain't "bad luck",that schit glass yields schit results.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."