
Didn't mean to horn you up. I'll feign my "surprise" that you managed some Cock Talk. Congratulations?!?

There's no slighting,how WELL founded your countless insecurities are. Don't "forget"...Imitation is THE most Sincere form of Flattery. Bless your heart.


You lying sad sack piece of fhuqking schit. Don't "forget" about your Imaginary Pretend Ignore.

Looking forward to your next Whine and even more Excuses. Do not let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch your kchunt,as you count pennies for the Big Purchase Day. That's gotta be REALLY exciting for you.



Were I to wax eloquent on Baseball Trivia,I'da prolly mused sumptin' in regards to The King And His Court and a 110mph+ softball pitch.

Not too many folks(nice way of sayin' NOBODY) have struck out Willie Mays, Willie McCovey, Brooks Robinson, Roberto Clemente, Maury Wills, and Harmon Killebrew in succession.

Fairly disappointin',that fredrica's Imaginary Scope Friend ran outta hilarious Secret Squirrel Tidbits.

Fhuqking laughing!..................


Coopers are easily amongst THE most over rated of wares. Nothing redeeming in 'em anywhere and they are easily trumped.

Them folks are Geniuses...compared to The Do Nothing Gang and that Dichotomy do add to the humor. They ain't ever been "Regalia'd". Laughing!

My variable disdain grows daily and a SFP NightFarce is an easy pass.

I have never Fiddlefhuqked Fierce cain't comment in the firsthand.

Pass the Montucky/6x MQ melding.

Gots me a hunch,that a 1-8" Bart contour duped 18.5" Montucky 6x45,will begin gettin' Famous with 105's,here directly.

Might even be a 6x MQ atop................(grin)

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."