
Been cypherin' on the Montucky thing myself.

If I knowed what they was...I'd prolly have more than a few.............


You Fhuqking CLUELESS Twatt...is there no fhuqking end to your AMAZING Stupidity?!? Wow!

Don't forget to wax eloquent on your insecurities.

Ooops...too late.


Bless your heart.............


It's gotta be a purty BIG day in Day Dreaming Do Nothing Dumbfhuckdom...when the pointy headed crowd goes agog,over a coupla pieces of brass.

Prolly better than a week's wages,for you "hard charging" "heavy hitters". Didja' go "halfsies" on it?!?


Must be quite the drum roll,when you kchunts crack the wrapper on a shiny new roll of toilet paper and unbox the investment.

You "lucky" bitch.



Fhuqk it,now I AM getting one of them rifles..............


As good as I am...not even I can shoot stuff prior to it being invented and unveiled. I hear through the grapevine,that I've bought/shot more than (1) scope of more than (1) Make.

Wipe the drool offa your maw,it's unbecoming.

Bless your heart.

You'd do well to take notes and apply same.



I always was gonna try me a Reupold...perhaps some day?!?



She's doing the best she can,with the amazingly little she has to work with.

It's a BIG day...when the gals get to gawk a coupla pieces of brass and a 3-9x Reupold.

Here's hoping they can pool resources,get a coupla gallons of fuel in a tank and really R&D them high zoot wares. Mebbe for Christmas,they can again pool resources and make a down payment on a camera,then they can document their exciting cutting edge discoveries,as the boldly schlep drool and stupidity,to places they've never been before...while making them payments.

It's ALL about the scope X's,bipods and headstamps.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."