I knew Jim well for many years before the dumb-ass blog post, and hunted and fished with him a number of times. But have only run into him now and then since then, basically just long enough to say hi. Here's what I know:

He killed plenty of big game animals without a guide before he became "famous" as Outdoor Life's hunting columnist, and still kills some by himself, even though he's older and heavier. He owns hunting horses, which helps, and can hunt elk and mule deer by heading out directly from his house in Wyoming.

The dumb-ass blog post was written at a hotel in a tiny town in Wyoming. He was there with several people, while hunting coyotes. He wrote the stupid blog one evening and showed it to the people he was with, who all said he shouldn't post it. But like many hunters who don't understand the 2nd Amendment, Jim went ahead, appafrently thinking it would just introduce a little interest in his blog. (I stayed in the same hotel a couple years later, while on an "industry" prairie dog shoot, and by coincidence was assigned the notorious "Zumbo Room," where he wrote and e-mailed the blog. After we checked in, my friends searched me for any sort of writing implements. I didnt bring a computer, but they confiscating my pen and notebook, even after I showed them my NRA Life Membership card, because they were afraid the room was haunted.)

He's working in the business again, though not as much as he used to, both because of the dumb-ass blog, and because he is indeed in his late 70's.

Jim's a fun guy to hang with, and most of the people here would enjoy him. But I also understand the anger. It was a really stupid thing to post, especially after he'd been warned by other people not to do it.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck