Originally Posted by Idared

But where is the same outcry against Donald Trump for his stance on banning assault rifles before his flip-flop on that issue? Why give him a pass and yet crucify Zumbo for doing the same thing?

For me, that answer is simple. I do not consider Donald Trump a spokesman for the shooting sports. Supposedly Donald has changed his position and now represents himself as a staunch 2A advocate. That may be, that may not be. We'll see. Donald has a lot of things in his past he's had to rethink and walk back. The fact that he says he's into concealed carry and is packing heat tells me he may have seen the light.

Zumbo, on the other hand, was writing from a position as the shooting editor for one of the premier outdoor magazines. His blog post was an extreme betrayal, and the way Outdoor Life handled it was an even worse betrayal. The half-hearted apologies and rehabilitation, was all useless because the damage was already done. A right thinking magazine should have canned him publicly on the spot instead of sitting back and waiting to see which way the wind blew and then sending him off on a sabbatical.

I'm just saying this as a hypothetical, not to accuse our illustrious Mr Mule Deer. What if John Barsness wrote a weblog entry that all pink camo hunting rifles needed to be banned by the federal government, that they were only used by women and fairies and he wanted them banned from the hunting woods and obsession outlawed? What would be the reaction?

What if he then said he'd rethought the situation (after Eileen had beat him over the head with a frying pan) and decided pink rifles could stay?

What would that say about John's way of looking at private ownership of firearms (regardless of color) ? What if Wolf came out with a half-hearted retraction and sent John off to a weekend with Lee and Tiffany for rehab? Would that make it all better?

What would you think of Ingwe if he just started calling the .270 Winchester queer?

. . . oh, never mind.

Last edited by shaman; 01/25/16.

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