I remarked to the public high school that their answer was markedly different from the private school, and from both the private college and public university. The answer was "those are our rules; it's for the safety of our students". I asked how my daughter and I were supposed to know whether that school would be a good fit for her, and the answer was "she can enroll here and then be part of our student body, we're sure she'll fit". I finally said that talking with them compared to the others made it seem like I was interviewing a prison for my daughter, not a school. That got a very grudging "yes, I know and I'm sorry" reply.
You can be sure that this school has no shooting team. Your daughter will be kept safe because no one is allowed to wear a USMC t-shirt. At the nearby elementary school, there will be severe disciplinary action against any child who chews his poptart into a gun shape. Your daughter will be safe because pointing a banana at someone will result in expulsion from school.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.