Originally Posted by Just a Hunter
A sorry state. My kids are in public elementary schools and we can go have lunch with them and go sit in on a glass too if we want.

I can do the same any time I wish as well. And the teachers are always open and willing to have parent helpers in the classroom, playground, field trips etc...of course hardly any ever show up for this, as it makes it easier to bitch how the schools are all [bleep] up.

Ask most any teacher and they'll tell you the lack of cooperation, communication, and follow thru on the parents part is the biggest obstacle they face.

Maybe some of you oughta go spend a day on your local high school campus. You'd be appalled at the kids behavior and sense of entitlement. Where do you think that's learned?

She never made it past the bedroom door, what was she aiming for...?
She's gone shootin..