Originally Posted by JMR40
No scientist has ever claimed the the "theory" of evolution had ever been proven. It is one of many theories that are always taught as a theory. Nothing at all wrong with that, but some Christians get their undies all tied up in knots when the subject is brought up.

For the record I'm a Christian and believe God created the universe and man. I also know that God chose not to provide all of the details of how he created everything in the bible, it is only a rough draft.

I don't believe there is any conflict between the bible and science. Science will someday be able to explain all of the wonders of the bible. God did after all create the science and many of his wonders can now be explained by science. Just because we can't explain creation now only confirms that God is smarter than we are. When he wants up to know the details they will be revealed to us.

When Christians get all up in arms thinking that someone is challenging the bible when the theory of evolution is brought up shows a lack of faith in God to me. There is no doubt that evolution exists in some from. I just have to trust in God and believe he did in fact create everything. I don't sweat the details of exactly how he went about it.

Good post.

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