Originally Posted by Bluemonday
Originally Posted by kingston
Ringman, Don't take this the wrong way. I'm not sure what your goal is in this thread and threads like it. I like you. You are a gentleman and I enjoy many of your posts, but your understanding of geology, plate tectonics, the basic tenets of paleontology, the history of science, and modern history interferes with your ability to develop a consistently coherent and rational world view. I appreciate your passion for these topics, but the kind of discussion you seem to want to have requires a commitment to much more rigorous methods. At minimum, these would include clearly argued points supported with cited facts much like a_s did above. Anything less and both your position and credibility suffer catastrophically.

You fuggin yankee prick. GFY. Ring doesn't posit himself as a scientist. He just has a functional BS detector. Why don't you rebuff some of my posts?

I notice you fck yourself using your head up your azz. What a complete stupid moronic nutcase! You need help fella... crazy crazy crazy

...and, you crakers lost. Yankees kicked your butts clear up past your pinheads. My ancestors helped, proudly... 98th Regiment of the Illinois Volunteers. laugh

Hunt with Class and Classics

Religion: A founder of The Church of Spray and Pray

Acquit v. t. To render a judgment in a murder case in San Francisco... EQUAL, adj. As bad as something else. Ambrose Bierce “The Devil's Dictionary”