Ok, I hear people all the time say Christians are wrong when we tell how it began. The evolutionists pick it apart, we defend it but I have NEVER heard an evolutionist tell anyone exactly how it happened. Tell me , and I will pick it apart to no end. Carry on , now it's our turn. Oh, and start from the beginning , and not some long brain dead a hole atheist that out argued a creationist. . I want evidence and proof. If you have no evidence and proof , it is indeed a theory, but it is portrayed as PROOF in the public schools, by the same liberals that believe we came form apes, a star blew up , or some dumb assz idea from some dumb asszz that will no doubt vote for Bernie or Hillary and believe we should give up our guns. Now, start from the beginning on how it all started and I will pick it apart to no end.

Last edited by ihookem; 02/12/16.

But the fruits of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,faithfulness, Gentleness and self control. Against such things there is no law. Galations 5: 22&23