For the record I'm a Christian and believe God created the universe and man. I also know that God chose not to provide all of the details of how he created everything in the bible, it is only a rough draft.
I don't view it as a rough draft, but only what we need to know and grow as is best for us, if we are willing, and a little more besides. He provided all I need to know about how He creates: simply by His Spoken Word. Not only does that tell me about Creation, but speaks books about Him. Pun intended.

I don't believe there is any conflict between the bible and science.
I don't either, but recognize many conflicts between the Bible and scientists, by their choice. That's becoming a distinction without a difference, as intended which is as I believe.

When he wants up to know the details they will be revealed to us.
There is a rather obscure verse in proverbs that says it is to the Glory of God to conceal a thing, and to the glory of kings to search it out. Truly, there will be much revealed to us when we are "face to face", but until that epic moment, I believe He wants us to search out all the truths we can from His Word and His Creation. Those who do, while giving Him the Glory, will be kings in His eyes.

Your post is a good one and my opinions are not meant to argue or contradict but to express or expand a bit more. Have a good day.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.