Originally Posted by Axtell

When punching info into the Ballistic program, all known parameters, the variables are mainly elevation and environmentals.

So, in the program to get an accurate drop prediction what changes..........its the effective BC of the bullet.

To say a BC of a bullet is x.xxx is most likely a reference to a standard.

Does it make a lot of difference , not likely , but it gives an understanding of what is happening.

Or , one could defend a position with walls made of words that include arrogance, BS, ridiculous, the obvious which probably is delivered with a huge eye roll.

Not exactly. The only thing that the ballistic calculator is figuring out WRT environmentals, is how dense is the air that the bullet is flying through, or in other words how much aerodynamic drag is the bullet experiencing in flight. Elevation is irrelevant if you know the pressure and temperature, or just the density, of the air at your firing position.

The BC is a measure of how aerodynamic a given bullet is compared to a standardized bullet. Environmental conditions don't change that, since they apply equally to all bullets, they simply increase the level of resistance that the bullet has to overcome.

The BC is simply expressed by form factor, or bullet shape, and SD. Rifling engraving changes the shape, and therefore changes the form factor. Environmental factors don't alter the BC of a bullet directly, but I see what you're saying that they indirectly affect the bullet's flight characteristics.