I never presumed to know everything or claimed to but I do know this. What happens at the dinner table and with whom is irrelevant and I don't give a damn if you're Mike Harvey hisself. Until you have handled hordes of guns from ALL the various importers, compared them side by side, talked to numerous shooters and CAS competitors plus several successful gunwriters (who have also taken factory tours), taken all these guns apart, tuned them and shot them for 30yrs, you're just a salesman.

If after all that, I can't tell a difference and they can't tell a difference, what does it matter?

Can you quantify what those differences are, or should be?

The only thing one can say about Cimarron's guns is that their lettering is nicer than those from DGW or Stoeger. On par with Taylor's.

Originally Posted by rockinbbar
I never said a single thing about prices.

I said that the owner of Cimarron pays more for fit, and finish. That's a fact.

Conflicting statements. One would reasonably assume that if the importer is paying more, the consumer is paying more. Unless Mike is not in the business to make money.