I've only had 1 experience with one. I used to be a roofer. We went to a rental house on a ranch to check out a roof leak. The lady wasn't home but she had a Rot inside that about ate the door when we knocked.
There were a half doz other rentals nearby with lots of little kids running around.
We went back to do the job and the lady was out of town. The dog had been left in the care of the ranch mechanic who kept it in his shop down the road. Somehow the dog got loose from him and it took up residence at the foot of our ladder waiting for us to come down and play. We had to radio the boss to call the ranch to come get it before we could come down.
Later the mechanic walked down to talk to us with the dog on a leash. Luckily it was winter and I was wearing a heavy coat because the dog pulled the leash out of his hand and grabbed my arm. He only got coat so I got lucky.
They realized that a dog like that and all those kids running around was a recipe for disaster so when the lady got home, she was greeted with an eviction notice.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.