Back in my oil patch days I spent a half dozen years or so living in Pampa, TX. Whilst there I became friends with the fella who owned a service station on the south end of town as they did work on some of our vehicles.

One day he took me out back to pick up something or other and inside a 8'x8'x6' high chain link kennel was the biggest, baddest, nastiest looking Rott I had ever seen. The owner said he weighed something like 160lbs and he and his son were the only ones who could handle him. This dog was loud and scary. He told me that they turn the dog loose inside the shop at night and he patrols the place until either him or his son arrives in the morning to put him up. As loud as he was I said something about that alone would keep out any intruders. He kinda laughed and said he doesn't bark while inside.

He went on to tell me about an incident a couple years earlier when someone had tried to break into the shop by busting out one of the lower windows on the overhead garage door and reached in to unlock it. Apparently the dog grabbed the guy by the arm and held him there for quite some time according by the blood left behind. In the morning all that was there was a mess of blood, some broken glass, and a dog. Somehow the guy got loose. The police were called and they checked the hospital for any mauled up arms that may have showed up over night. They found just one. grin

Black Cows Matter!