Originally Posted by tex_n_cal

The females are sweethearts, very good dogs, naturally protective of their people but still sociable. The males can be fine as well, but unless you plan to breed, I would have them neutered.

Mauser was 116 lbs, all muscle. He could be touchy with adults, but one time a ~4-5 year old boy tried to tackle him, before the boy's father or I could stop him. Mau thought it was great fun, and licked the kid's face. Our hearts started again.

A teenage boy once tossed him a football, despite me warning him Mau would chew it up. He basically destroyed the football in one bite. They are powerful animals, and thorough obedience training and socialization is a must.

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I knew a Rott named Mauser... And another named Gabriel. Gabriel was the standard by which all Rotts should be measured.
Ditto those who are warning the OP to get a reputable breeder. Rotts which are bred too close to their own blood line are prone to cancer and hip dysplasia.