And another thing smile

Since the topic is backpack carry, I'll blather on with more opinions supported by nothing more than mere survival, the ability to type, some top-notch professional handgun training, and many large dead animals.

The design of the pistol in question is not nearly as important as the ability to bring it to bear instantly. (That's about the slickest possible pun there!)

I carry the holster on the outside of the hip belt of my pack. It's less than ideal, but is the only way I can get to a pistol RFN (Right Frikkin Now). A chest rig would work also, but I'm not good with those.

Remember the video of the mauled AK hunter? He didn't have time to raise the rifle that was already in hand. Any attempt to dig out a pistol during a bear charge would result in the blackest of comedy.

I do not entertain hypotheticals. The world itself is vexing enough. -- Col. Stonehill