Love the .45, would carry it more often but size and weight exclude it from my choice for concealed carry.
With that in mind even with lower round capacity if you were to give me a choice in a gun fight I would pick the .45. Hollow points no matter how good do not always open up. The .45 is always gonna leave a .45 hole if it opens up or not.
If I am not mistaken didn't Sanow and Marshall give the second spot with hydrashocks to it, behind the venerable 125 grain .357 ranking something in the mid 90 percentile "One shot stopper". I know this was back in the 90's and a lot has changed since then, but the .45 is still gonna leave a .45 hole.
I have tried several combo's for .45 ccw even the small Kahr P45, and the light weight aluminum framed 1911's, they all seem to pull on my britches to much, and I was constantly jerking everything up. If it came down to it I would pickup my FNX .45 before I would a 9, does not mean I wouldn't use a 9, and carry a 9.

My fault for posting before I watched the video, I am at work and they had the video blocked, so I went to my PC and watched it. That guy is an idiot..............

Last edited by j2dogs; 01/08/17.