Range report. Well I had some ammo loaded up that showed some promise before the Tubbs treatment and it was had not good. 5 shots in 2", tried some 75gr VMax with 4064 with unsatisfactory results. Needless to say I was bumbed out and ready for a re-barrel or just cut my losses and sell it. I decided to try what I had left in a box of Federal Fusion 95gr coated and I am glad I did. The first 3 shots were in one hole. Couldn't believe it so I shot another that was better than 1/2". These two groups were after 15 rounds of copper un-coated bullets. Ran out of Fusion so I went to Walmart and bought two more boxes. Shot a 3/4" 3 shot and another 1/2" 3 shot. This was an improvement for sure! I may just keep the gun the way it is. Wanted to shoot the lighter bullets but it just may not like them. I did have some promising results with Hornady 53gr Superformance ammo prior to the treatment so I may try a box of that and see if it improved. Kind of worried about the layering effect of the Boron Nitride coated Fusion ammo and shooting copper on top of that? Or I may just decide to stay with the Fusion ammo for everything, was trying to set gun up for coyotes and lighter bullets but if the gun likes the Fusion so be it. Got tons of reloading stuff for the 243 and would really like to find something that works but there again I am getting tired of the frustration with my handloads.


" A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government"
G. Washington