I made it home to Redding, CA yesterday afternoon, safe and sound. I left home two weeks ago in the rain, and I arrived back home in the rain. I had a great trip and it was nice to get out of the rainy weather and enjoy clear skies and sunshine in Arizona with a great group of guys (and one poor gal, sweet Cheryl) and two teen-age boys and three dogs. I will share some of the pictures of the event.

Miles Patton showed up on Monday, and this is what our camp area looked like:

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Then I showed up Wednesday afternoon. The first arrivals on Thursday were David Price, Doug Wynn, and Doug's grandson, Gabe.

Miles had a big pot of excellent stew that fed the few of us for a couple of days until everyone else showed up. Here we are having some of that stew. Left to right: Miles Patton, Nifty-250, and Doug Wynn. Miles can attest to the fact that most of the plants in Arizona have thorns or stickers. He had to wack back some thorn bushes to maneuver his truck and trailer into a good camping spot, and the thorns got his arm pretty good. Look at the blood on his arm in the picture.

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Those who arrived later knew they had found the right spot when they spotted this gaggle of gypsies clustered together in one spot.

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This is what some of the crowd looked like early on Saturday morning, drinking coffee and waiting for breakfast.

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"If you don't know where you're going, you may wind up somewhere else".
Yogi Berra