Have an older pair with steel shanks that are insulated. I don't hunt in them but like them for knocking about when it is cold and wet.

The reason I'm posting on an old thread is to comment on Cabela's brand footwear. It sucks. I bought a pair of their nicest hunting boots about ten years ago but never wore them. I forget how much insulation they had but it was a lot. Last January my son and a co-worker(from Cabela's, we worked there part time) went hog hunting. My son wears tennis shoes exclusively(Vans), but it was so cold and wet he decided he wanted to wear boots. I broke out the Cabela's boots that had never been worn and with an extra pair of socks he said they fit perfectly. When we set out walking to a stand two days later the sole literally came off one boot. I walked back to the truck, got some duct tape and taped the sole back on. When he walked back to the truck when we were done hunting the other sole came off.

Our boss at work just laughed when I told him the story. He'd been with the store for ten years and told me - Cabela's employees don't buy Cabela's brand footwear because the soles fall off. I checked with a couple of other long time employees and was told the same thing. Take it for what it's worth but I won't be purchasing any more store branded footwear from Cabela's.

Don't roll those bloodshot eyes at me.