I tried some CBd gummy bears my brother got for me. I have an autoimmune arthritis that gets really bad. The gummies didn't do anything for me.

Lots of people try to get me to try marijuana but it's still illegal in idaho. Even if it was legal in idaho you can't buy a gun if you use it so I haven't used the real stuff. I think its rediculous that the government tells you you can't use a plant to treat your pain even with a prescription.

My classmate from MBA school at BYU led the charge to get weed legalised in Utah. I spoke with him on the phone about it. He had neck problems and tried weed while living in Seattle working at amazon. He said it saved him and he got completely off opiates. He then moved back to Utah and had to quit weed and go back on opiates so he started lobbying for medical weed in utah.
