The better bullet designs we use today are the results of the FBI tests.

Actually, the better bullet designs we use today are the results of the efforts of lots of people and entities.

The FBI, after consulting with many people and following the advice of those it thought most relevant, created a scientifically repeatable test protocol. This protocol has been adjusted with experience. It is a better protocol today than when invented. I hope (and expect) it will continue to be improved.

Much of the credit belongs to the engineers at the major ammunition manufacturers. Once they knew what LE desired AND had a repeatable test method, they could:

1 - Design a projetile
2 - Test the projectile
3 - Modify the design to achieve the desired performance
4 - Repeat

The people previously mentioned in this thread all contributed but the credit belongs to the collective, not any single individual. There are many others that share in the success.

If pressed to say who deserved the most credit, I'd point to John Hall. He was the Unit Chief (SSA Patrick's Boss) that allowed/encouraged/helped Patrick get the whole Ballistic Research Facility created.

That is not to take anything away from anyone else that contributed, just to say that it wouldn't have happened without the support of the Chief of the Firearms Training Unit.