I'll answer honestly, with the understanding that there will be some manure flipped back at me for saying this.

When we lived in California, our combined income was in the range of $1.3 million a year at its peak. I got tired of working so much and having that level of pressure just to make someone else even richer so I went solo, then started a non-profit, and my income dropped by about 90%. My wife was a bit late to that way of thinking and she was the one pulling in more than half of the income, but she also got tired of living her life so others could be billionaires (and she was working longer hours than I was, with a 3+ hour commute each day).

So she's now mostly retired and most of my work is non-profit. We make less than 10% of what we used to, but we have WAY better quality of life in Montana, lower costs of living, lower taxes and more freedom.

There's a time and place to put up with the rat race, but if you spend too much of your life chasing wealth you won't be happy.

Eliminate qualified immunity and you'll eliminate cops who act like they are above the law.