With all of the legislation passed(911 aftermath) at the federal level do most people have any idea how our federal govt. can hold us without trial and on and on. Just look at all the stuff that has been going on with people facing charges concerning former President Trump and the alleged insurrection. I have a question. What in the world was in these people's minds,or lack of good sense? This Tennessee guy would never do something like that mess on January 6th. Well.... One unarmed woman was shot to death. Down here in Tennessee, "We the People" know this stuff can happen. Folks, we should know we are to show respect for our reps at the state and federal level. However, I disagree with people who say there was insurrection involved. Vandalism, violent mob, dumbkof, sheep blindly following, stupid......guity of all the above. I just hope we do not ever see this happen again

Glenn Campbell