Speaking only for myself here. I see browning stickers on just about every truck that looks like it might be a hunting truck.

I think that the people that sport these on their trucks think they know something about rifles because they spent a little extra for a shiny rifle that is expensive, and will likely never shoot at a deer with it at over a hundred yards.

That's why I don't. But that's just me.

With the gay buckhead sticker on the truck. And it's made in Japan. It's marketing genius. That's just from where I am though. I perused this on the way to work this morning. The guy had a sticker on his truck that said "nothing kills a deer like a browning". I had to wonder why. But he didn't stop so I could ask him.

I guess the deer knows that the 150 gr. .308 bullet was propelled by a browning. If I told the dude it was made by a French company I would have to prove something.

Anyway, for some reason in south carolina Brownings are to redneck hunters what spinning rims are to our ghetto brothers.