Originally Posted by 7 STW
Originally Posted by wvhunter
Made in JAPAN!!!!!

Yup and they could learn a thing or two about steel.They've never been known for producing good steel.

When I begin hunting moose in a few more days it'll be Rugers that go along for the trigger squeeze. Until that moment, however, the machinery spinning at 6000 RPMs will be "inferior" Japanese aluminum and steel, none of which has done that spinning and reciprocating in the two stroke motors of which it is a part for less than 10,000 miles. If that means they "could learn a thing or two", fine, but it sure won't be any Americans doing the teaching. "Good ol'" USA does not produce such product.

I hate what happened before and during World War II, but if that hatred is applied to what happens now, then we'll be living in caves. Ain't much love to be found in humans slaughtering each other - regardless who's doing the slaughtering and who's being slaughtered.

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.