Kevin, what works for me and always' has is an open grip with a lot of drop in the heal. This is contrary to what is accepted as "right" by today's standards. I find this configuration points more naturally, comes to the target faster and recoils less than most of the modern style stocks today. My face still rests on the stock, just in a higher position. An open grip is designed so you don't have to change your hand position from draw to shoulder which I really like. If you've looked at most (not all) of the guns I've done over the past few years you'll see most conform to this configuration. The only draw back I've found is they aren't as comfortable to shoot from a bench position which seems to be the way most stocks are judged these day's. I never hunt from a bench, so needless to say.....

Keep in mind though, what is right for me isn't right for everybody else.
