Oh how I love limb bacon!!!! We grew up on it here in the Ozarks and I have not lost my taste for them. To my palate the grays have always been the better of the two. Especially the young ones taken in May/June and the next littler in October/November. We are blessed that we have the longest squirrel season in the nation here in Missouri. Runs from Memorial Day weekend in May through Feb. 15 following. Ain't much better than squirrels and gravy along with fried okra, smashed taters an' bakin' powder biscuits!! I'll certainly eat a fox squirrel but they aren't my preference.

NRA Benefactor 2008

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me." John 14-6

There is no right way to do a wrong thing