Originally Posted by tex_n_cal
so with this gathering a couple months away - some questions/comments:

1. How many folks are coming?

2. I have 2 wild boar hams, attained at the Campfire Hog Hunt from a youngish boar. If someone likes the idea of cooking them, I'll be happy to donate them. They are pretty good sized, maybe 15 lbs each.

3. So on guns to shoot, I have a fairly eclectic collection, in general terms 1911's, AR's, and Ruger #1's. Some that would be easy for beginners to shoot, some not. No plans to sell anything, but if someone wants to try something along those lines, let me know & I'll try to bring it. Sorry, no .450 Nitro #1...at least not this year smile

1. I am not sure of the actual number as of right now, but rough estimate would be about 15 to 20. Perhaps we need to start working on getting an accurate count?

2. I appreciate the offer on the hams, but I think I am set for what I have cooking, maybe someone else can put them to use. I will be smoking two pork shoulders for pulled pork like I did at the Sierra Vista get together. I think I am also going to cook up a pot of green chili pork to bring.

3. Bring whatever you feel like bringing for guns. I think we all have a pretty varied taste in guns from what I have seen at all the get togethers so far. There hasn't been a shortage of neat stuff on hand or folks willing to share at one of our shindigs yet. grin

Its getting closer, but feels like we have been talking about, and planning this one for a loooong time.
I am really looking forward to it. Seeing familiar friends, and making new ones. Its certainly is a great group of folks, and I am to be associated with all them... even KRP and tha DARBY fellow! grin