
Thanx for the info. I am kitted for +60 to -10 and am really looking forward to meeting friends that I simply haven't hat the pleasure of seeing F2F as of yet. I am scrambling to get my stuff together and post a few ads in the coming weeks. Have hopes of a new carry piece and of course all are welcome for durability testing (need 200-300+ rounds with no ftf's, jMS ETC... no cleaning or babying, minimum for a carry piece)...

Given a shower every day or so for civility, I am pretty low maintenance and love to sling lead, tell stories but better yet, listen to others feats of daring do and accomplishments. Please do introduce your self If we happen to meet...

I usually do 30 to 40 miles daily on a road bike (kills my back,neck) but life is tough and it is the only form of exercise I have found that doesn't absolutely KILL my knees. I reckon the altitude will lessen that significantly as I am at but 1350MSL presently.

Thank you again for the tips and please be safe. About to ask the creator for my worthiness to go for a much needed "in the blind" vacation.

Ken ad Safariman have been a wealth of knowledge and kindness of invite and I am SO looking forward to making their acquaintance as with others such as yourself on this years foray. Scrounging for an appropriate pass me down for someone that has done so much, I am impressed by the sheer FEELING of quality I get from folks posting about the GTG. I feel like a rube, noob and am praying that circumstances permit my attending.

Be safe