Hi Patty. I will give your question a try, although the answer is a mixed bag. Others should, and will, feel free to correct anything I get wrong.

Some folks will bring enough to enjoy their firearms for a while and also for interested others to have a go with their guns. Maybe 40 - 50 rounds per, maybe more. Shooting a few rounds through other folks interesting guns is a big part of the fun.

For example, if I get my prep done, will try to bring one or two TC handguns and maybe 40/50 rounds to shoot and share, one or two rifles that someone may find a little offbeat and interesting with similar amount of rounds and maybe one revolver or semi-auto handgun and some rounds. If I happen to find any cheap, will bring some spare ammo for others - stuff I am not likely to shoot.

I did not see anyone bring a big sack full of any loads to the two most recent SW gatherings. Although the fun shooting - and the related comments - compliments on guns, bragging, cameraderie and nice competition - is one centerpiece, we do not shoot for all that long. In other words, it has not been "shoot, shoot, shoot" to the exclusion of other activities. If we happen to be able to set up camp at a place where we can just stroll out into the forest and shoot at any time, there will more informal shooting going on at times.

The bigger part of the time is given to meeting and enjoying new folks, putting faces to the Campfire screen names, getting to appreciate what makes people tick and write the way they do, learning new stuff about lots of things, good natured arguing/story-telling/poking fun, etc. And, EATING. Somehow, the food is always varied and good, and we spend some time dealing with it.

There very well be some who will not bring - or shoot - one firearm - and probably no one will notice - or care. Simply, there is no pressure. People just like to share their interesting things - and enjoy the stuff of others. So, no worries - don't get worked up trying to load a boatlad of rounds. Just bring what feels good for you - and you will fit right in with this gang.

Hoping I got this right. Looking forward to meeting you soon.


NRA Member - Life, Benefactor, Patron