beaner, beaner, beaner.

I had to establish my position as one of those old angry white guys.

I am not about to roll over and become a democrat, lite, sorry, it ain't gonna happen.
When all the sugar titters wake up one day and realize the world has really changed, let them ask their party for help.

Kind of like the guy on staten island yesterday whining that he hadn't seen a fema or red cross truck for a week, and was wondering where the "free food" was. He lives in a blue state, he can ask the annointed one.
Oh, by the way, was talking to one of my old time friends/clients yesterday, she is gayer than a three dollar bill.
Never enters into the equation.

Oh, beaner, beaner, they are in my family, dang little beaners.
Wait a minute, i live on pinto beans too, i guess that makes me a beaner.