An immigrant who was a career government employee bashing immigrants and government dependency.


If the sky is falling then it was falling with Romney too. I never see so much projection in my life, as when election season rolls around and the American Right, such as it is, fills the empty vessel of their candidate with qualities he doth not possess. While painting the other guy as the Antichrist personified.

One main difference between the two is that Romnuts was bristling with the kind of military adventurism that gives Viagra-quaffing retired government employees like Jorge a case of the spins. Since that sort of bullcrap is a large part of what has put our nation in it's current hamstrung position, I'm at least glad that the president we have knows the difference between his dick and a destroyer. A small silver lining, hopefully.

And finally, as evidenced by posts on this very thread, the Entitlement Nation that we are, and have been, and will be, is virtually untouchable politically. One glance at a pie chart of the federal budget, and another glance at the demographics of the Baby Boomer population bulge, show anyone with a brain that just SS and Medicare are gonna ass-rape us, dry, with a French tickler on, for decades. You think politicians are gonna cross that voting bloc to take away benefits those folks have already "earned"?

I bet your .gov pension and benefit package exceed the average income of actual working Americans, Jorge. You, sir, are part of the problem, if the problem is indeed a large bloated federal government. Just sayin'.

Originally Posted by jorgeI
I posted this on Birdie's thread, but thought it deserved it's own thread to vent my frustrations and opinions on this week's holocaust:

We lost this war and arguably the Republic because of what I call the "Four Bs", Blacks, Beaners*, Broads and Bozos.

Blacks as expected voted skin color but in reality they are only about 12% of the population and given the past history of which they keep trying to guilt us everyday, I can't really blame them. The Bell Curve principle comes to mind.

Beaners*: A term that really includes the Third World and not just south of the border types. The democraps have been of a fifty year mission of importing these dredges, and statistics show 85% of immigrants do in fact come from the Third World. Today, if you are say a German scientist, Swedish Enginner, British Doctor, etc, good luck in getting in legally. I also must exclude *MY* ethnic group, Cubans as we were a political migration of mostly whites and have SEEN the evils of socialism/marxism, Cubans vote the right way. Unfortunately that too is changing with the new generations being born and bred in Blue States. As for numbers, they make up about 14% of the nation right now and in fifty years I predict they will be a majority or close to it.

Broads: What can I say about women? Since they were first allowed the vote in Wyoming in 1868, we've been on an inexorable path to the Nanny State and statistics clearly show democraps would only have seatred one President (Johnson) in the Whitehouse without their vote. They are a HUGE block.

Bozos: We have quite a few on this forum and they sure "showed us" by the shocking statistic of 3M Repubs who stayed home. A lot of these are conspiracy, survivalist wannabee kooks, pining for Armageddon, so they can play at "Walking Dead" and other mental-masturbation he-man scenarios.

All these facts are clear evidence the makeup of this nation, that is white Anglo-Saxon Protestants (mostly Germans actually) embodied in the Protestant Work Ethic are rapidly fading into history with no hope of getting them back. This election was a watershed and to paraphrase Sir Edward Grey on the eve of WWI, "The lights are going out all over this country and we shall not see them on again in our lifetime." The way I see it is NEVER.

To those of you that voted for the marxist, or who think we should "widen our tent" and compromise our principles: FOAD.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two