Double are expensive compared to a good pump or auto..After having tried all styles of shotguns, I prefer a good pump..reliable, rather inexpensive, and you can use all types of ammo in a newer model..My choice would be an 870, probably with a model 37 Ithaca second..Without a doubt a 12 is most versital..with steel required even in some upland areas, to me none of the other ga.s can compete..Plus you can get top quality 12 ga. shells for much less than other ga.s. As for a 16 it is a beautiful ga..but look at the stores and see the availability of ammo compared to others and the me for the one gun man a 12 is the way to go..We travel quite a bit, and I always take a shotgun..with 10's,12's20's, and 28's in the safe..I have my choice..It is far easier to put the old 870 field in the trailer and several boxes of ammo and the various chokes and be on my way..From gobblers to quail, it will handle it all with ease..

Molon Labe