Fieldgrade, apparently you are the one with the chip and can't stand anyone with a different opinion..shoot the 16 if you is a good ga. the guy wanted a gun for phesants and other birds..there is simply noway a young person starting out would be smart to buy a 16..the guns aren't available and neither is the ammo..he apparently was just beginning..With all the ammo and style of guns available in a 12, to me that is the logical place to start..When I am traveling, I stop in almost every gunshop I have the chance to..Seldom do I see a nice 16 on the wall..but 12's are everywhere and lots of 20's..Maybe smart guys picked them up, I don't know but they are tough to find...From the sounds of his post, he wasn't into buying an expensive gun..To get a decent double of quality, you going to spend more than you would for a good pump shotgun..

Molon Labe