Originally Posted by Rene

There's no question that the native people of yesterday were brutalized, hunted, tortured, and humiliated for decades. It's awful, and no one should ever have to suffer like that. The elders of the time signed those treaties to bring peace, and offer what they hoped would be a leg-up in a new world that they realized couldn't be held at bay. But those days are long over. I
The preservation of your culture is YOUR job, not anyone else's.

Really, the people that are abusing you the worst, are the people you have placed in leadership positions. Not ALL of them are corrupt, but there are some very serious issues with monetary responsibility. I honestly don't know how some band leaders haven't been arrested for fraud, embezzlement, and more.

The first step of "healing" is to put the past in it's place. Only then can you work on your own personal lives, which will then naturally stem into becoming whole as a community.

1. Yup, the aboriginals killed other aboriginals, from the savage, murderous Aleuts, ancestors of today's Inuits, who invaded the peaceful communities of the Dorset People AND THE NORSE, who settled in Canada, BEFORE them, traded and inter-married with the Dorsets to "Huronia".

Then, there was the hideous genocide of the Iroquois, who murdered,raped and tortured other aboriginals as well as EATING them, UNTIL WHITE people put a stop to this, Champlain, de Tracy, etc.

2. I USED to have sympathy and cared about aboriginals, now, I just loathe the whole bloody bunch of them and am ready to FIGHT BACK! Fuggem, they are asking for what that cowardly murderer Riel, got for his racist killing of Scott.

3. WHERE and WHEN did "white" people EVER engage in genocide against aboriginals here in Canada????? NEVER and we have NOTHING to be ashamed of in our past!

This chap sounds OK, but, he is one of a TINY minority of aboriginals and I think that we need "Batoche", again to teach them that WE own Canada, ALL of US!!!!