Originally Posted by kutenay
I think that it has gone FAR beyond that and we are now so far into a violent, racist and socially destructive situation concernng these people, that all I can hope for is that no decent Canadian is killed or injured in the coming battles.

The parasitic nature of aboriginals is probably "un-fixable" with the rare and temporary exception such as the Osoyoos tribe/band. The opportunity for peaceful assimilation is also gone and will not happen again.

The best option for we Canadians, is to demand that our federal government create a specialized armed forces group, a "heavy battalion" which is state of the art, trained and equipped for the single purpose of eliminating ALL unacceptable actions by aboriginals and any other undesirables, see "separatistes" as another problem group.

I think that a large, violent demonstration, such as "Oka" or "Caledonia", IF, instantly crushed by "tac air" and mechanized infantry, would teach these scum a lesson. If, repeated every few years, it would keep things quiet and peaceful.

The first thing they should do is disarm the people by banning firearms ownership, then by hosting socialist rallys, enticing new membership into this elite party,, oh wait, this has already been tried...it was very quiet and peaceful then too