There is Canada. No seperate sub nations.
I have lots of ancestry, but I am of one nationality. Canadian, Canuck, whatever.
I here a lot of childish "don't tell me what I am, blahblahblah."
The other thing I am hearing from you two is that there are Indians and Canadians, and yours is out for the cash.
Sad world view and its too bad it's being perpetuated.
Half breed, mixed breed, whatever you want to call it. I have not persued metis status because I see no reason. Should I persue English, Italian and German citizenship too? Why get somethig that I don't identify with? I don't need it; I identify myself as a Canadian and I can be proud enough of that to keep from looking for something else to make me feel special.
Feel free to call me more names, or whatever you like. Proves a point.

Last edited by rem338win; 01/24/13.

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