Jim, two simple points here:

1. YOU do NOT speak for ANYONE on this forum except yourself, so, your comment ...don't come back... is hardly realistic. This, is an AMERICAN forum and, frankly, YOU are in a TINY minority, here and thus are being foolish with that remark.

2. You call we "white" people, ...bloodsuckers...and, YET, you LOOK as "white" as I do and are partially "white" in ancestry. So, my friend, can you honestly say that part of YOU is not also a ...bloodsucker...?

This thread, is going down that same path that some of ours did several years ago and NOBODY will profit from the racist and historically false comments that you post on it. I tend to think of you as a basically decent and friendly guy, Jim. and I admit that I also can get carried away and post comments that I shouldn't, so, maybe this has gone far enough?

In any event, we will NOT settle dickall HERE and I come here for camaraderie and enjoyment, so, I think everyone on this thread should step back, settle down and chill out. I wish that there were never another "indian" thread on "24Hr"!