Originally Posted by curdog4570
When my only son was 17 years old, if he was someplace he had a right to be, and some prick started following him, I kinda think he might have accosted the guy and asked what his problem was.

When the guys hand went in his pocket, I kinda think he might have decked him.

See how it works if a man has an open mind about stuff?
Only one problem: Trayvon's lovely young girlfriend swore under oath that Trayvon was afraid of the "creepy-ass cracker," and was endeavoring to lose him and head home by means of a shortcut. Amazing that a young athlete like Trayvon (football player, and all) was somehow unable to shake an out of shape 29 year old guy supposedly in pursuit of him, no? Sounds much more like he knew he was following (as in his path, not in an effort to close in) him into the darkness, so he prepared an ambush for him by hiding in the bushes till he was right there.