you beat me to it. Any comparison with Maple has to include the diff. grades.
An early run light amber is always something I look for to have a small bottle of around for a splash on icecream or w something that just a hint of maple is needed. Good Dark makes a real statement on the table. Put some of that in your sausage and smoke it!
I read the post a while back about the Cane and have not found a jar yet.
Will gladly give it a go. My kids love the homemade biscuits out of the food thread a while back.
Made syrup on my own all thru my school years. A true rite of spring where I came from. My old micro rig never had the ability to get a run of light amber. I always fell beck on my mentors commercial size operation to find that. Not every spring has the right weather to produce a good early run.

I used to only shoot shotguns and rimfires, then I made the mistake of getting a subscription to handloader.......