always been two classes of sheep hunters here, those with a supercub and those without

decided advantage to guys with a cub, best and most productive sheep hunters I've known own one.

doesn't mean the latter group can't score, I'm part of that fraternity and have been pretty lucky when chousing sheeps!

but flying and scouting where the big rams are, finding a spot you can land and secure your plane and then going after where you know those big boys are is certainly different than wandering the country with boots and binocs! by a long shot

that's not to infer that the cub hunters don't have to put in work to get their rams, they most often do.

but that piece of equipment is just about the same advantage sheep hunting as a guy with optics vs. a guy with no optics.

saves time and walking in a big fashion

I've been lucky to have some pards with Cubs that took me scouting a couple of times.

puts you in a different league hunting ime.

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.