Originally Posted by Stayclean
Did I call anyone a nitwit? Take a deep breath, and don't forget to take your medication.
I fully realize that the hoarders, and scalpers are grabbing all they can, BUT-it has to get to the sales floor before they can do that. If you ask the sales people how much their stores are getting, they tell me they are getting LESS. The product is NOT coming down the supply chain in large amounts. The same is happening with brass, they will sell you a $40 box of rifle ammo but brass is not available in many calibers even though the price has nearly doubled. Anyone who thinks the ammo companies don't want this to continue is just na�ve.


Every place says the same thing "we can't get .22 ammo". If no one can get it and no one is getting back orders then there is no ammo getting it the stores.

I guess that is something you learn when you don't get your ammo for free.
