Originally Posted by butchlambert1
You can only be scalped if you want to be. People need to quit whining. You should have been buying along and not waited. The manufacturers are working overtime and making large investments in facilities.
If I had a dollar for each of the whining threads on ammo I would never have to work again.
Get over it guys and but when you can as we will have another episode again one of these days.

Yeah for the most part true about allowing themselves to be scalped.
However when the scalpers are defending the outrageous prices some people will naively believe then that this is normal and ok .
More need to stand up to this sh.. and tell them that this not ok.
Telling people what they should have done doesn,t help as that is an after the fact statement.
There is nothing wrong with complaining about others trying to take advantage of you.
I do agree with the part about buying when you can with the caveat of not being a slovenly pig and buying it all or bringing in others to help you buy it all ,then turning around and trying to stick it to others less fortunate to be in the right place at the right time as they were.

Faster horses,Younger women,Older Whiskey,More money