
Noone can make you look like a dumber [bleep] than you,so I reckon you've them sweet "satisfactions" to bask upon? Congratulations?!?

Schit rifles,bullets,glass,mounts,stocks,twist rates,etc...ain't subjective. You have simply assaulted yourself,with your own amazing Stupidity,by unleashing your "best". Not a very pretty picture,is it? Hint.

"Personal"? Hardly. Dumb [bleep] simply dumb schit,as you oh sooooooooo eagerly communicate obliviously.

Take notes,apply same. Hint.

Or find me "mistaken" and I'll happily rub your nose even further in your amazing stupidity......................(wow)

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."