Originally Posted by atvalaska
Heinz....... I dam near can't have anything else myself ! (I been known to take my own bottle to some of the places in town who only "nasty catsup" .... I once, while making bbq sauce, I made Heinz ketchup!!! using wally world junk ketchup as the base > I took and bought 10 different bottles/brands and added "my stuff" to each measured amount = some ended up "a" bbq sauce , some was just so so /hint of bbq taste ...but I did turn ""wally world junk ketchup"" into Heinz....

Heinz is by far the best store bought ketchup. I'm certain I could make better if I took the effort, but I won't. The only people I know that don't like Heinz don't like it because of politics. Sorry, some things will prevent me from using certain products, but I'm not giving up my Heinz.

War Damn Eagle!