Originally Posted by Formidilosus

No, it's laid out wrong. Ignore what's on the white paper for the picture with two targets. It was just used to more easily track all the targets. The actual info is written on the head of each target. In the case of the picture with two targets the one on the left has-

Shooter #2
NF= non free float
Alt.= Alternate position target.

The target on the right has-

Shooter #2
FF= Freefloat
Alt.= Alternate Position target.

Both were from alternate positions.

I am with you that FF is better than non FF but the picts were not really jiving.

Now I might choose a optic first but FF is still a cheap and good (great) idea but we need to keep things in perspective.

Just keeping things real. Get a FF hanguard but also optics and a trigger. It all matters. grin

John Burns

I have all the sources.
They can't stop the signal.